In case the app is deleted manually to Trash, App Cleaner & Uninstaller offers to remove its service files right away.
Using this program, you can uninstall apps on Mac with all service files, including related supporting programs and their service files too. To get rid of a particular app, launch App Cleaner & Uninstaller and select the unneeded app from the Applications list. Mac Uninstallers Comparison Chart ApplicationĬan disable launch agents, login items, remove installation filesĭelete startup items, various caches and junk filesįree – delete service files, remains, disable startup programs, remove extensionsĪpp Cleaner & Uninstaller is a utility for uninstalling apps on Mac completely. We have tested 5 uninstalling applications and prepared a review of them for you.
Special software needs to be used to uninstall apps completely, including all the cache files. Running and removing applications leave lots of unwanted files on Mac, which are unable to be removed by a standard uninstalling program.